Hiring managers: “there’s no right or wrong answer to this challenge” Also hiring managers: “your solution wasn’t production ready because a config value was hard-coded” So many questions… but probably dodged a bullet there…

At this point I just stay connected to the bird site just to witness its end.

Man all these ‘A day in the life of a software engineer at [any SV tech company]’ sure as hell looks lonely AF. Do you folks even have someone to talk to at the office?

How to make sure you stay in business as a moving company? Have owners decide tenants can’t move during weekends. Smarts!

one must further conclude that any code gener­ated by Copilot may contain lurking license or IP violations. In that case, the only prudent posi­tion is to reject Copilot THIS COPILOT IS STUPID AND WANTS TO KILL ME by Matthew Butterick

If I ever burn out, it won’t be because of yet another dumb architecture decision or the legacy code blocking innovation… It’ll be the office politics

Gotta love how most pilots youtube videos are a collection of complaints about how travelling in business class sucks

The system I’m working on is so complex and unreadable it took me 3 hours this morning to update a string in the database

Super tired of the posture “We’re doing it right so let’s keep doing it” vs how I feel on the inside: “Can we improve on this? Should we be doing something else?”

Let’s just say that if I needed to test a senior dev during an interview process, the first thing I WOULD NOT do is have them load an Excel sheet to get data…

What you are describing is not microservices, it’s a monolith that you need to deploy in multiple parts

This project is still WIP and will be updated soon with new features. It never was.

I swear to god I edited this personal recurring event LAST WEEK to stop reminding me 15min prior…

A website where you list your company by answering a quiz. The result is a “certified true feature factory” or not. Ideas for the quiz welcomed!

Instead of pushing back against easy-to-understand-and-experiment-with tools (pair, ensemble programming) or adding some agility into your development flow, just admit you’re more comfortable working in silos and wasting time on handovers. It’s alright to want to work that way. It’s also alright not …

Codebase so rotten you need to refactor the unit tests “helper” methods in order to upgrade the framework version #featurefactory

When change is slow, it takes so much more energy to keep the big picture in sight than it is to do the actual change

Software logic so complicated even support people don’t fully understand how it works… How many hours/days lost for nothing

I can’t believe I got stuck on such a dumb bug… I was trying to check if a list of GUID as string contained a GUID.ToString()… You know what went wrong eh? Not me, not for a good 2h (4 if you count the wait time between commits) 🤦

Wordle 205 2/6 ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩

It’s been a month since I last committed any useful code, and I can’t believe how much I miss it, compared to what I’m working on right now.. ﹥⎽

I was burnt to a crisp, but hadn’t really internalized this fact yet. The endorphins from doing something new kept me going for the first few weeks, but hitting the first hurdle, I smacked right into it. I didn’t have the “legs” to jump it. This sounds like my story …

Wordle 203 6/6 ⬛⬛🟩⬛⬛ ⬛🟩🟩🟩⬛ ⬛🟩🟩🟩⬛ ⬛🟩🟩🟩⬛ ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩

Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn removed from the phone. Will try to put the phone away in the evening too…

Brilliant post by Marianne Bellotti highlighting the inevitable flaws an organization will have based on the org chart Engineering first and product first are 100% my personal experience!
